Health Promotion Resource Room: More Than Just Free Condoms!


Contributed by Priscilla Quirk

Visit the Health Promotion Resource Room located in the lower level of the Hammond Health Center. This room is a place for IC students to learn about all kinds of health issues.

The room features:

- A light box for Seasonal Affective Disorder
o SAD Link
- A library including first hand accounts of various health issues
o Smashed
- Free condoms, lube, and dams
o Planned Parenthood
- Informational pamphlets on a wide variety of health topics
o Ask Alice!
- Quit Kits (for smoking)
o NY Quit Line
- A quiet and confidential place to learn about health

The Health Promotion Resource Room is open 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Monday – Friday.

Visit our website: drop by, or e-mail