Submitted on behalf of C. William Schwab ’68, chair, Ithaca College Board of Trustees.
I would like to take this opportunity to update the Ithaca College community on the status of the presidential search.
Dr. MaryAnn Baenninger has informed me that she has made a decision to withdraw as a candidate for our position and will be remaining at the College of St. Benedict, where she is committed to fulfilling several initiatives she has under way. This decision will have no effect on the Ithaca College search process, as feedback from the campus community indicates that we continue to have two very strong finalists.
Again, I want to thank the members of the campus community who have extended themselves over the past two weeks to meet our finalists. All of the finalists have indicated how impressed they are with Ithaca College as an institution of higher education and with the strength of our community.
I would like to remind everyone that any final comments on the candidates should be submitted either electronically or in writing by Friday, March 28, at 4:00 p.m. to Nancy Pringle at 320 Job Hall. Comments can also be submitted electronically via the following online form.
Online Comment Form for Presidential Search