Organization Development Series: Effective Elections


Contributed by Russell Martin

The Organization Development Series is a set of workshops and presentations designed to assist student organizations in the fulfillment of their missions. The Center for Student Leadership and Involvement will host another session this week.

Effective Elections
Tuesday, April 8, 6:15–7:00 p.m.
Williams 219
Presenters: Gabriel Ely, Student Leadership Consultant
Dustin Newcombe, Student Leadership Consultant

Many student organizations are beginning the process of electing their officers for the next academic year. Gabriel and Dustin will discuss the importance of a structured election process that begins with an organization’s constitution. Additionally, IC Link includes a feature that might help streamline and organize your elections into an anonymous, paperless process. As we near the end of the semester, a discussion of effective elections might be helpful for new and experienced groups alike.

We hope to provide sessions that will help strengthen and serve student organizations. Please e-mail [] with suggestions or comments.