Professor Anna Larsen and Chemistry Students Coauthor Paper


Contributed by Maria Russell

Chemistry students John Dymon '10, Jesse Kleingardner '10, Ryan Wibby '07, and assistant professor Anna Larsen coauthored a paper which was just accepted for publication in Dalton Transactions (the journal of the Royal Chemical Society of Great Britain).

The paper is also coauthored by collaborators in Queens University (Belfast, Ireland), the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and Vassar College.

The paper reports the syntheses and physico-chemical behavior of the low melting salts classified as ionic liquids -- i.e., substances melting below 100 degrees Celsius while remaining completely ionic. All the research was carried in Ithaca College laboratories, with X-ray analysis performed at collaborators' facilities.

Full reference:

Designing ionic liquids with boron cluster anions: alkyl pyridinium and imidazolium [nido C2B9H11] and [closo-CB11H12] carborane salts Dymon, J.; Wibby, R.; Kleingardner, J.; Tanski, J.M.; Guzei, I.A.; Holbrey, J.D.; Larsen,A.S.

Dalton Trans., 2008, in press