Health Alert: Tompkins County Reports Increases in Syphilis Rate


Contributed by David Maley

In the last 15 months there has been an increased incidence of syphilis identified in Tompkins County, including on the Cornell campus. A number of cases have involved men who have had multiple sexual partners, both male and female. To date, there have been no cases identified within the Ithaca College community.

Syphilis, if identified, is a curable, sexually transmitted bacterial infection. Cases are monitored and tracked by the New York State Health Department, in accordance with state law, to both help identify individuals at risk and to ensure proper treatment. The Health Department has successfully tracked and treated many exposed individuals, but they have been unable to notify some others of their exposure as they were anonymous contacts. Additional concerns have been raised as some of the individuals identified with syphilis have also been found to be co-infected with HIV.

If you or a sexual partner has had anonymous sexual contact (kissing, oral sex, vaginal sex, or anal sex) -- particularly if you met online -- you may have been exposed and should be tested.

Ithaca College is working closely with the local and state health departments, other area schools, and Planned Parenthood to make our community aware and to make information available about syphilis and HIV, access to testing, treatment, and prevention.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides comprehensive information about syphilis and HIV signs and symptoms, transmission, prevention, testing, and treatment.

General Information about Syphilis
Additional Information for Men Who Have Sex with Men

General Information about HIV/AIDS
Additional Information for Men Who Have Sex with Men

Who Should Get Tested

1) If you or a partner has had anonymous sexual activity, including with someone you met online, you may have been exposed and should get tested for syphilis and HIV as soon as possible.

2) If you have had unprotected sexual activity with anyone and are concerned that you may have been exposed to syphilis, HIV, or other sexually transmitted infection, you should get tested. If you have questions about your risk or need for testing, consult with a health care provider.

3) If you believe you have symptoms of syphilis or HIV (review CDC information above), you should consult a health care provider and get tested as soon as possible.

Testing Availability in Ithaca

Hammond Health Center, Ithaca College (607-274-3177)
Confidential testing for HIV and syphilis is available by appointment. Tests are covered by student health insurance. For those without insurance, we have reduced fees for syphilis and HIV testing for the remainder of the school year; $3.10 for syphilis and $12.90 for HIV.

Planned Parenthood of the Southern Finger Lakes (607-273-1513)
Free confidential syphilis and HIV testing for Tompkins County residents, including students residing on campus or elsewhere within the county.

Tompkins County Health Department (607-274-6683)
Southern Tier AIDS Program (607-274-6683)
Free anonymous HIV testing (NO SYPHILIS TESTING)

Ongoing collaboration will continue between Ithaca College, the Tompkins County and New York State health departments, other area schools, and Planned Parenthood, and we will notify you with any new developments.