Barney Beins Presents an Invited Address at California Convention


Contributed by Judy Smith

Barney Beins, chair of the psychology department gave an invited address at the Western Psychological Association convention in Irvine, California. The talk, entitled "Psychology, Psychology Students, and Scientific Thinking," focused on the development of critical thought and scientific thinking across the curriculum.

In addition, he participated in two symposia. One symposium featured the use of personal narrative to illustrate psychological phenomena. The presentation was entitled, "Personal Dream Interpretation: Teaching That It's Not Just Freud," in the "Teaching Psychological Concepts by Telling Stories" symposium.

He also presented "Enhancements in Advanced Placement and Introductory Psychology: Exercises for Discussion and Critical Thinking" in a symposium entitled "Critical Thinking, Misconceptions, and Thoughts about Advanced Placement and Introductory Psychology."