Partnerships in Sustainability Education -- the ongoing academic collaboration between IC's environmental studies program and EcoVillage at Ithaca -- announced the recipients of this year's round of sustainability curriculum development summer minigrants, to be used to support the development of new courses, training programs, or modules around sustainability themes to be incorporated into existing courses.
The annual summer minigrant program is extended to Ithaca College faculty, staff, and students, and also to residents of EcoVillage at Ithaca, who partner with Ithaca faculty to develop new material. With this latest round, the PSE program has awarded just under 60 curriculum development grants of $1,000 each since it began in 2003-04.
This year's recipients are:
Cory Brown, Department of Writing
Proposal: "Introducing 'Sustainability Poetry' into Poetry Writing Courses"
Outcome: To produce poetry that explores sustainability values not exclusively related to the environment, but that also addresses ways in which social justice and economic behavior affect the environment, to promote an ethos of sustainability.
Astrid Jirka, Office of International Programs
Proposal: "International Environmental Policy: UN Climate Change Conference (Part I)"
Outcome: Define the course syllabus, arrange guest speakers, and integrate sustainability into OIP proposal for the UN Climate Change conference in Poland in late fall 2008.
Sean Vormwald, Office of Alumni Relations
Proposal: "International Environmental Policy: UN Climate Change Conference (Part II)"
Outcome: Develop student course projects that will lead to the possible presentation of posters at the UN Climate Change conference in Poland in late fall 2008.
Mara Alper, Department of Television-Radio
Proposal: "Water: An Interdisciplinary On-line Course"
Outcome: Design a course that will draw on guest speakers from a national, international, and regional pool of experts on water issues, with an emphasis on the future sustainability of water.
Naeem Inayatullah, Department of Politics
Proposal: "Sound Sustainability"
Outcome: Redesign of two courses, Music of the African Diaspora and Worlds of Music, to incorporate concepts related to the impacts of global capitalism on native musical heritage, from erosion of physical and cultural environments to the loss of cultural specificity and musical authenticity to fit Western ears.
Stephanie Greenwood, EcoVillage
Proposal: "Woodland Management Plan for EcoVillage"
Outcome: To create a comprehensive woodland management plan to restore and enhance wildlife habitat, increasing the number and diversity of food-producing species for both human and wildlife consumption.
Tina Nilsen-Hodges, EcoVillage
Proposal: "Teaching Sustainability across the Disciplines"
Outcome: A daylong workshop that engages faculty across the disciplines in considering how their pedagogy contributes to students' development as sustainability leaders, and how they can learn from one another about how to enhance success in achieving these outcomes.
Karryn Olson-Ramanujan, MPA, EcoVillage
Proposal: "Permaculture at IC"
Outcome: In collaboration with the professionally trained staff and resources of the Finger Lakes Permaculture Institute, develop a new course that offers an in-depth exploration of permaculture.