At the direction of President Peggy Williams and Kathleen Rountree, provost and vice president of academic affairs, the Planning and Priorities Committee has prepared a Bridge Plan to guide the campus during the next 18 to 24 months. The plan was approved by President Peggy Williams on June 16, 2008.
The plan is designed to serve the campus during the presidential transition, and/or until a new long-term plan is devised. In keeping with IC's commitment to broad involvement, the plan's initiatives are limited to priorities that are outgrowths of either the previous Institutional Plan or the Middle States review, both processes in which large numbers of faculty, students, and staff played active roles.
The Planning and Priorities Committee, which has representation from students, faculty, and staff from across the campus, began its work by examining the previous Institutional Plan to determine which initiatives had already been accomplished, which were no longer relevant or possible, and which should continue to be focused upon during the next 18 to 24 months. The committee examined the Ithaca College Self-Study, which was the result of widespread campus involvement in the two years preceding the Middle States visit, and studied the written report of the Middle States visiting team.
Feedback on priorities, their importance, and the possibilities for completion in a short time frame was sought by using an electronic prioritization tool involving the members of various governance groups, including Administrative Assembly, Faculty Council, President's Council, and Deans Council. Based on that feedback, the committee produced the Bridge Plan.
The Bridge Plan is posted on the Institutional Plan page of the College's website:
Ithaca College Bridge Plan
Thomas R. Rochon