Wireless Network Upgrade Delayed Briefly


Contributed by Karen Compton

As recently announced in Intercom the campus wireless network, ICAirnet, will soon be upgraded. The cutover to the new wireless network has been moved from Friday, August 8th to Wednesday, August 13th. The existing wireless network will be unavailable on Monday, 8/11 and Tuesday, 8/12 in preparation for the upgrade.

Beginning on August 13th, all wireless users will need to follow a new procedure for connecting. The new wireless environment will have two wireless networks:


This is the recommended wireless network for faculty, staff, students and sponsored GuestNet guests. A valid IC e-mail username and password (or GuestNet ID and password) will be required for authentication to ICAirnet-Secure. Users will be provided with one-time configuration steps that need to be followed the first time ICAirnet-Secure is accessed.


This is an unsecured wireless network which requires no configuration or authentication. However, information transmitted or received over ICAirnet could be intercepted and viewed by other network users!

Future phases of the ICAirnet upgrade project include expanded wireless coverage, faster speeds, and support for handheld devices on the wireless network.

Look for more details to be posted in Intercom on Monday, August 11th.

ITS Helpdesk
102 Muller Center

