Harry McCue, professor and chair of the Department of Art, exhibited in several national, international, and regional shows over the summer and continuing through this fall.
McCue's oil painting, "Blackwater Backwater," will be exhibited in the national juried show, "American Landscapes," at the Maryland Federation of Art in Annapolis, Maryland, from September 5 through October 12. Over 700 artists competed for inclusion in this very selective exhibit.
McCue successfully competed for inclusion in the "16th Mini-Print International," an international competition hosted by the Binghamton University Art Museum. The show runs from September 8 through December 6. All three of Professor McCue's entries will be exhibited, with two being included in the main gallery space.
Closer to home, the Corner's Gallery at Community Corners in Cayuga Heights showed five prints and paintings this summer by McCue and will be showing eight of his paintings and drawings in its next invitational, titled "Branches, Trunks, and Leaves." McCue's colleague Bruce North will also exhibit in this show, which opens September 1 and closes October 31. There will be a reception on September 13 from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.
McCue's print, "Overgrown Orchard," is currently being shown at the Altgeld Gallery of Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Illinois. That show runs August 6 through October 4.
"Inlet," a large oil painting, continues its successful run on prominent display at the Washington office of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton. Senator Clinton has enjoyed the painting since August 2004.
Professor McCue will again be biographed and have his artwork reproduced in the 29th edition of Marquis' Who's Who in American Art. He will also be biographed in Marquis' Who's Who in America, 2009 edition. McCue has been recognized in the Marquis' Who's Who since the mid 1980s.