Gerontology Institute Distinguished Speaker to Address Aging and Spirituality


Contributed by Marilyn Kinner

Robert C. Atchley, Ph.D, is the Gerontology Institute's fall 2008 distinguished speaker. He is distinguished professor of gerontology (emeritus) at Miami University, Ohio. In 2007 he retired as professor and chair of the gerontology department at Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado.

Atchley is an award-winning teacher, scholar, author, and mentor who since 1985 has focused on the subject of how human beings develop spiritually and manifest spirituality in their lives.

On Thursday, September 25, at 7:00 p.m. in the Emerson Suites, Phillips Hall, Atchley will present a lecture entitled, "Spirituality in Aging: Expanding the View." This lecture is free and open to the public. A reception will take place after the presentation.

For more information contact Marilyn Kinner at [] or 607-274-1967.

Gerontology Institute

Division of Interdisciplinary and International Studies