Who Are IC Students Voting For in the Presidential Election?


Contributed by Jodi Cohen

This call is the last chance for IC students to enter the 11th Annual Perialas Prize in Persuasive Speaking. Tell us who you think should be the next president of the U.S. and why.

All those who enter with an 8-10 minute speech have a chance to win a $200 cash prize. This year we are selecting 3 winners: The best Obama speech, the best McCain speech, and the best speech for a third-party candidate. The contest takes place the week of October 13. Contact professor Jodi Cohen for details at 607-849-4764 or cohenj@ithaca.edu. Stay tuned for details about an hour with the winners in the Clark Lounge, to take place on Tuesday, October 28 at 7:00 p.m.

