Contributed on behalf of Mark Coldren, associate vice president for human resources.
To assist with planning for the upcoming holiday break, there are a few changes to be announced.
I am pleased to announce that President Rochon has approved a revision to our winter holiday schedule that will extend the continuous break between Christmas and New Year's by one day. The holiday schedule originally issued designated Wednesday, December 24, 2008, through Thursday, January 1, 2009, as College holidays with the College officially being closed.
This year's break now will include Friday, January 2, 2009. This means, the College will officially reopen on Monday, January 5, 2009.
To provide for this additional time during the winter break, the "floating holiday" normally designated as the first day of spring break will be traded and March 9, 2009, will not be considered a College holiday this year. A revised 2008-9 holiday schedule can be located at:
Revised Holiday Schedule
We ask all supervisors to please post this new schedule in their areas.
Moving forward, when Christmas falls on a Wednesday or a Thursday, the College will reassign the spring break floating holiday in those two situations to, respectively, December 23 or January 2.
Holidays are meant for us to have more time to relax and enjoy family, friends, hobbies, or leisure activities. Supervisors should try not to schedule individuals to work, unless it is absolutely essential or an emergency. In the event a staff member is called into work, the College will pay time-and-one-half for any hours worked on a holiday and will require that the scheduled hours for the holiday be banked and taken at another time.
Should you have any questions pertaining to the holiday schedule, please feel free to contact me at extension 4-3853.