Mary Arlin and Mark Radice Published in German New Music Journal


Contributed by Erik Kibelsbeck

The August 2008 issue of MusikTexte: Zeitschrift für Neue Musik, volume 118, was devoted to the music of Chou Wen-chung. Professor emeritus Mary Arlin and Mark Radice, professor of music history, each had an article included in that issue.

Radice's article was titled "Das Zentrum für US-amerikanisch-chinesischen Kulturaustausch" ("The Center for U.S.-American-Chinese Cultural Exchange"); Arlin's article was "Befreiung von Fesseln. Chou Wen-chungs 'Windswept Peaks'" ("Freeing from Chains: Chou Wen-chung's 'Windswept Peaks'").

The periodical is published in Cologne, Germany.