ESS Professor Publishes Article on Athletic Pubalgia


Contributed by Paul Geisler

Paul R. Geisler, Ed.D., ATC, assistant professor and director of athletic training education in the Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences, and Ed Kelly, M.S., ATC, of Cornell University, collaborated on an article entitled "Groin Pain: A Preventative Approach to Athletic Pubalgia."

The piece is based on their clinical research project with the Cornell men's hockey team, and appears in the October issue of Training and Conditioning magazine. Kelly is the assistant athletic trainer for men's hockey at Cornell.

Training and Conditioning is a nationally distributed trade magazine circulated to thousands of professionals in the sports medicine and sport science domains.

Several undergraduate athletic training majors from Ithaca College also helped out with this research project: Mike DiCenso, Cody Herbert, Meg Himes, Chris Carpenter, and Bryan Gardner.