The Office of Academic Enrichment Services (AES) is seeking 12 faculty and staff members who are interested in assisting with visioning and building a dynamic student success operation for Ithaca College students.
The AES Advisory Board will meet once at the end of each semester to discuss AES progress, assessment activities, retention initiatives, and to make and review recommendations on how AES can best support teaching and learning at Ithaca College.
Advisory board members should also be interested in retention and programmatic initiatives for ALANA students, and students in the the Collegiate Science and Technology Entry Program (CSTEP) and the Arthur O. Eve Higher Education Opportunity Program (HEOP).
The board will also brainstorm with AES on various ways to contribute to the retention and success of students in the sciences and in merit-based scholarship programs.
Letters are being sent to the deans of the individual schools and the Division of Interdisciplinary and International Studies for recommendations.
If you are passionate about and interested in these concerns, please contact Kate Brown, AES office manager, at [] stating your interest.