Congratulations to Residential Life "Of the Block" Award Winners


Contributed by Fred Chandra

It is with great pleasure that the RA Recognition Committee Announces the winners of the Block 1 Awards.

Resident Assistant of the Block
Winner has demonstrated outstanding work in the position and can be considered role models to both his/her residents and other RAs. By going above and beyond others' expectations of them, this RA deserves to be recognized for their commitment and excellence in the position.
Brittany Bookman, Terraces 1-4

Staff Member of the Block
Winners are team players and have consistently done good work with their staff. This one outstanding member of the staff sets the standard for everyone and provides critical motivation to the rest of the staff. There are multiple winners because each staff can be presented in this award.
Laura Oriol, Terraces 1-4
Amber Brezna, West Tower
Sunny Wong, Terraces 9-12
Ashley Hopfenblatt, Terraces 5-8
Maggie Burges; Landon, Bogart, Lyon and Clark (LBLC)
Katie Lichtenberger; Hood, Holmes, Hilliard and Eastman (3HE)
Joe Fraioli, BRT
Ara Eckel; Emerson Hall and Garden Apartments (EmGar)

Community of the Block
Winners are floors, buildings, clusters, or areas on campus that have a unique cohesiveness. These communities may participate in numerous activities together or may just be a very comfortable and fun environment to be in.
Terrace 10, Second Floor, under the direction of RA Brian Cicero

Program of the Block
The winning program is the most creative, fun, well-attended, and purposeful programs that have taken place this block. These programs should demonstrate the time and effort put in to plan them and a strong reception from attendees.
The Order within the Disorder: a program about autism. Hosted by RA Jordan Friedman of 3HE

Bulletin Board of the Block
The winning board clearly shows the creator(s)' ingenuity, creativity, and effort. These boards may provide crucial information for residents, or may be the entertainment that brightens their day.
Election Information by Juliana Gonzalez of Terraces 5-8

Door Decoration of the Block
The winning door decoration is the most creative, attractive, and useful door tags on campus. It should be clear that the creator put a great deal of time and effort into its creation and residents enjoy them.
Foam flowers with names made of twisted floral wire. Created by Christianne Enos of the West Tower

Committee of the Block
The winning committee is hard-working and has contributed to the entire department in a memorable and important way. This internal committee has spent its valuable time and effort on planning and implementing various projects to benefit all members of the Residential Life team.
RA Training Committee:
Nick Neuman, Circle Apartments
Abby Avery, Terraces 1-4
Lendy Krantz, EmGar
Megan Groll, West Tower
Brian Cicero, Terraces 9-12
Adam Tim, LBLC
Thomas Furey, 3HE
John Dymon, East Tower
Brianne Sullivan, Terraces 5-8

Personal Achievements this Block
Katie Lichtenberger of 3HE, for overcoming many challenges this past block calmly and with grace
Gene Geissinger of EmGar, for placing 106th in a pool of 30,000 candidates in the written exam for the Police Explorers Program

Please congratulate these winners when you see them on campus. They have worked hard to create a positive residential community at Ithaca College.