Students of Literature! Poets!


Contributed by Wendy Hyman

An upcoming lecture of interest to poets, scholars, and students of literature: Heather Dubrow of Fordham University will present a public lecture, called "Neither Here Nor There: Rethinking Lyric Immediacy," on Tuesday, November 11, from 5:00 to 6:30 p.m. in the Taughannock Falls Room.

Professor Dubrow is a nationally known scholar and published poet. All are invited and encouraged to attend!

Please circulate widely:

The Ithaca College English department and Cornell Department of Comparative Literature are delighted to announce an upcoming lecture by renowned scholar Heather Dubrow (Fordham University), called "Neither Here Nor There: Rethinking Lyric Immediacy." Professor Dubrow is a published poet and the author of several scholarly books, most recently The Challenges of Orpheus: Lyric Poetry and Early Modern England.

Date: Tuesday, November 11
Time: 5:00-6:30 p.m.
Where: Taughannock Falls Room, Campus Center, Ithaca College

All are invited and encouraged to attend!

And, yes, there will be refreshments!

Professor Dubrow is a terrific writer who is retheorizing lyric in important ways, questioning such basic assumptions as its immediacy, its intimacy (vis. its presumed audience), the nature of its distinctiveness from narrative, and more.

We're very excited to have such a wonderful scholar as a visiting lecturer, and encourage all interested students and faculty to drop by.