David Turkon of Anthropology Elected to Leadership Position for AIDS and Anthropology Research Group


Contributed by Michael Malpass

Assistant Professor of Anthropology David Turkon has been elected as Chair of the AIDS and Anthropology Research Group (AARG), and interest group of the American Anthropological Association (AAA).

This is a four year term during which he will serve the first year as Chair Elect, followed by a three year term as Chair. The Chair-elect assists the Chair and chairs AARG meetings in the Chair's absence.

The Chair-elect also manages elections by soliciting nominations, preparing ballots, and counting and reporting results. The Chair is responsible for the finances and operation of the AARG through consultation with Steering Committee members.

The Chair also serves as official liaison to Society for Medical Anthropology, as official spokesperson for AARG, and as organizer and chair for all meetings, including all AARG events at AAA and Society for Applied Anthropology meetings.

