Lis Maurer, coordinator of the Center for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Education, Outreach, Services, coauthored a recently published article.
The article, "Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Prevention" is an entry in the new three volume encyclopedia Africa and the Americas - Culture, Politics and History - A Multidisciplinary Encyclopedia. The article examines parallels as well as differences in HIV prevention efforts in Africa and in the United States, as a consequence of culture, politics, and economics. It also examines the impact of U.S. policies and practices regarding sexual/reproductive health that have had widespread effects on the messages, programs, services, and educational efforts toward the prevention of HIV in Africa.
Maurer, L. and Kelly, M. (2008). Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Prevention. In Africa and the Americas - Culture, Politics and History - A Multidisciplinary Encyclopedia (Vol. 2, pp. 573-582). Ed. Richard Juang and Noelle Morrissette. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC CLIO.