Cortaca Live: No Tickets? No Problem


Contributed by Luke Elmers

[NOTE: The following event has been corrected from the version posted earlier this week, which incorrectly stated the start time as 1:00pm. The event actually starts at noon. We apologize for any confusion.]

The SGA will be hosting a live screening of the Cortaca game, scheduled to take place Saturday, November 15th, at noon. The event, which will be held in IC Square, will feature free pizza and wings, a raffle, and a large projection screen airing the game.

This event is designed for students not going the Cortaca Jug to have a chance to watch it in a warm, dry place. Since the game can be viewed at a convenient on-campus location, students need not worry about traveling Cortland to see IC play its biggest rival. The event is totally free and open to all students. The screening, organized by the SGA’s Event Planning Committee, is a part of the SGA’s continued efforts to reach out to the student body in new and original ways.

If you have any questions, feel free to get in touch with the SGA at [], or stop by our website for more news. From our site, you can also subscribe to our RSS feeds, join our email list, or receive our Twitter updates.

The Student Government Association is the representative body of Ithaca College students which functions as a liaison between the student body and the administration. In addition, the SGA plans events and seeks new ways to improve the lives of students at Ithaca College. The SGA meets every Tuesday night in the Taughannock Falls Meeting Room on the third floor of Campus Center. Meetings begin at 8:15 p.m. and are open to the public. More information is available online at