Active Minds at Ithaca College went to Philadelphia this weekend for the 5th annual national Active Minds Conference at the University of Pennsylvania. Founder and executive director Alison Malmon presented Ithaca College's chapter with an award at the welcoming dinner.
Out of over 170 chapters in the United States and Canada, Ithaca College was showcased and applauded on its efforts in the 2007-2008 year. The "Revitalization Award," one of four awards given out this weekend, is given to the chapter that has made the biggest comeback from a period of inactivity during the academic year. "Winning this award reflects all of the hard work our members contributed, and I am very honored to work with such amazing people," said Caitlin Bango, Active Minds Co-President.
Active Minds at Ithaca College (named a 5-star chapter earlier this year) plans to continue its efforts to spread awareness of mental health on campus.
Active Minds always welcomes new members and meets every Wednesday at 7:00 in 218 Williams Hall.