"Drop Beats Not Bombs: Resisting Militarism through Creative Action"


Contributed by Michael Amadeo

IC Students for a Democratic Society will host a workshop by members of the Fellowship of Reconciliation about conscientious objection and counter-recruitment organizing in Colombia and the United States.

The workshop will be taking place in Friends 207 on Thursday, Nov. 20 during the lunch hour from 12:10-1:00. The Fellowship of Reconciliation is an organization committed to replacing racism, war, and injustice with compassion, non-violent conflict resolution, and true justice for all. They aim to do this through non-violent, creative action and providing support and solidarity for Colombian conscientious objectors. They also do workshops around the country on non-violent, youth organizing. One of the members of FOR is a female hip-hop artist named Invincible who will be performing that night at the Unitarian Church.

"[Invincible is] One of the most talented emcees I've ever heard black or white, male or female..." - Talib Kweli

"Invincible is one part emcee, three parts revolutionary, but the recipe is all Hip Hop." -Shook Magazine

