Sound interesting? Register for one of the following spring 2009 classes being given by Calderon-Zaks of the Center for Culture, Race, and Ethnicity.
CSCRE 35000: Race in Global Perspective
"Race" is not as old a concept as popularly believed, but rather, only dates as far back as the first European expeditions to the Americas and its consequent construction of the transatlantic slave trade between Europe, Africa, and the Americas. This course examines the changing meaning of the concept of “race,” which includes more than the black and white binary associated with its popular perception. This course also examines those not thought to belong to either category, and did, or were perceived as other “races.” More importantly, the social construction of race had a shifting meaning over time and space. This course explores why such shifts occurred. This course will utilize both theoretical, comparative, and case study methods.
CSCRE 37400: Latina/o Social Movements
This class explores these traditions within the context of US history, specifically since the beginning of US imperialism in Mexico(1836-1848), Puerto Rico and Cuba (1898). This course will document Latina/o participation in various
struggles for equality and social justice: labor, education, community, and the environment.
CSCRE 47800: Globalizing Latina/o Studies
This course examines the increasingly global dimensions of Latina/o Studies. We will explore the history of Latina/o Studies and measure it against the history of Latin American Studies and the social sciences. Latina/o Studies began as means of contesting the established social sciences, and for Latinas/os studying Latinas/os.
Please call 274-1056 for more information.