How to Make Friends and Influence College Relations


Contributed by Rebecca TenEyck

Would you like to meet some of the most influential people in our community? Are you interested in strengthening IC's town-gown relations? Would you like to help local students with financial need receive an IC education?

If your answer to any of these questions is yes, please consider joining the Friends of Ithaca College.

For more than 50 years, the Friends—a group of over 400 business and community leaders, as well as IC alumni, faculty, and staff—have worked to strengthen the bond between Ithaca College and the local community. Through their annual membership dues ($200 per year, or $150 for new members), the Friends support a scholarship fund for local students. To date, the Friends have helped more than 300 students from the region receive an IC education.

Your Friends membership will entitle you to attend special events, such as a pops concert in the spring, the Founder’s Day Concert in the Park in September, an evening of theater in the fall, and a gala holiday dinner in December. You’ll also enjoy knowing you made a difference in the lives of local young people in need.

To join the Friends, visit or call Kathie Hunt at 274-1219.