Family Weekend 2008 -- Thank You


Contributed by Doreen Hettich-Atkins

I would like to extend my thanks to all members of the Ithaca College community who assisted with an extremely successful Family Weekend. Approximately 1,300 family members attended a variety of events during the weekend of October 31 to November 2, 2008.

Student photographer, Heather Newburger '10, spent her weekend taking pictures of the event for your enjoyment. You can see her work by clicking onto the photo galleries at

The highlights of the weekend included:

• Two faculty keynote addresses by Steven Seidman, associate professor and chair of the Department of Strategic Communication, and Beth Ellen Clark Joseph, associate professor of physics
• A parent keynote address by Brooke Johnson, president of the Food Network and mother of a senior cinema and photograph major in the Roy H. Park School of Communications
• The Student Organization Showcase, which featured the talents of student organizations Dance Team, IC Hip Hop, ICircus, Ithacapella, Rock Hard, and Tap
• Lunch performances by the faculty staff chorus IC VoICes and the student jazz trio of Zack Avshalomov, Alejandro Bernard-Papachryssanthou, and Pat Murphy
• Three concerts by the School of Music
• An exhibit in the Handwerker Gallery
• A win by men's football over Springfield
• Open houses, demonstrations, and receptions by all the academic schools
• A Saturday night cultural talent showcase coordinated by the Office of Multicultural Affairs
• Religious services and a brunch to close the weekend

Special thanks to the staff of Conference and Event Services for handling the logistics of this very busy weekend and ensuring that everything went smoothly, to Facilities for making the campus beautiful and for setting up all the events, to the many event planners across campus who planned and organized individual events, and to our students for sharing their time and talents.

Without the cooperation of the College community this event could not be successful. Thank you to all -- the parents appreciated your work and enjoyed their weekend, and so do I!

Mark your calendars for next year's Family Weekend 2009, which will be held November 6-8, 2009.