Data about Ithaca College students' health attitudes and behaviors can be used to create teaching exercises or modules. Two $300 stipends will be awarded during the spring semester for implementation in spring or fall 2009. The deadline for one-page proposals is Friday, February 13, 2009.
The Health Promotion and Substance Abuse Prevention Program collects data annually regarding health behaviors of Ithaca College students. These data are offered to faculty members via the Health Data in the Classroom Project in collaboration with the Center for Faculty Excellence.
Purpose of the Project
The Core Alcohol and Drug Survey and the National College Health Assessment are national surveys that have been administered at Ithaca College by the Health Promotion Program over the last seven years. Data sets are available in SPSS format. For more information about these surveys, see the web pages of the National College Health Association and the Core Institute:
American College Health Association: National College Health Assessment
Core Institute (Southern Illinois University Carbondale)
Brief proposals may be submitted by full-time continuing Ithaca College faculty members and by faculty regularly employed on at least a half-time basis. Faculty members who received this stipend in the past are welcome to apply, but preference will be given to new applicants.
For more information on the Health Data in the Classroom Project, please download the guidelines and application, or contact Susanne Morgan or Priscilla Quirk.
Ithaca College Data in the Classroom Project