The Student Leadership Institute (SLI) is a series of interactive workshops designed to help students develop and refine personal leadership skills. This campus program is coordinated by staff in the Center for Student Leadership and Involvement, which is seeking presenters from our campus community.
SLI is designed to help participants achieve success in their personal lives, interact more effectively with others, and prepare for the working world. There are four themes:
We're seeking new and interactive sessions on topics that you're an expert in -- be creative! Anything that will help students grow as leaders is encouraged. Please sign up on our website by January 9 to present an SLI workshop during Block III.
Sessions will be an hour in length, and we will do our best to schedule them in a time slot convenient to your schedule. Over 500 students participated in SLI during the fall semester, so this is a great way to reach students!
You are welcome to contact the CSLI staff at 607-274-3222 with any questions. Thank you!
Student Leadership Institute Website