IC Sustainability will meet on Tuesday, January 27, from 12:10 to 1:00 p.m. in room 301 of the Park Center for Business and Sustainable Enterprise. Susan Swensen, from the Department of Biology, will chair this meeting, the group's first of the spring 2009 semester.
IC Sustainability is open to all members of the IC community -- faculty, staff, administrators, and students -- interested in advancing campus sustainability.
Formerly known as Faculty and Staff for Sustainability, the group's name was changed to IC Sustainability after students showed strong interest in participating. Hence the new name reflects this broader, more inclusive community of interest.
A new SUSTAIN IC listserv has been established to support the communication needs of this group. To join, simply send an e-mail to:
with the following text in the body of the message:
subscribe sustainic
Note that the purpose of this new listserv is to support communication between members of this IC Sustainability group on matters related to the advancement of and planning for campus sustainability efforts. This listserv is separate from the "Sustainability Friends" listserv, which is intended for more general postings about sustainability-related events and activities on campus and in the local community.