Help others build a better life through service with the Peace Corps. Representatives will host an information session on Tuesday, February 24 to talk about the Corps' focus on world peace and friendship.
Through service in the Peace Corps, you may learn a language, acquire skills, see the world and make a difference!
Learn about opportunities with the Peace Corps during an information session on Tuesday, February 24 at 7:00pm in Textor 101. You can also hear from Corps recruiter during the "Making a Living While Making a Difference" panel on Thursday, February 26 at 7:00pm in Textor 101.
Jobs with the Corps include: forestry, parks and wildlife, environmental education, applied agriculture science, farm management, agribusiness, construction and skilled trades education, community service, urban youth development, water and sanitation extension, environmental and water resources engineering, public health education, urban and regional planning, business advising, business development, NGO development, primary education teacher training, TEFL, university english teaching, secondary math teaching, secondary science teaching, special education.
For more information on the Peace Corps and for application instructions, log-in to your eRecruiting account at or stop by Career Services.