Reminder: CSCRE-Sponsored Faculty Workshop


Contributed by Victoria Jordan

Asma Barlas, Sean Eversley Bradwell, and Paula Ioanide of the Center for the Study of Culture, Race, and Ethnicity will be organizing a workshop for ALANA faculty as well as faculty interested in developing ALANA-focused curriculum on Thursday, February 19, from noon to 1:00 p.m. in the Taughannock Falls Meeting Room.

We will focus on two broad issues: the retention of faculty of color, particularly at a time of economic downturn and cutbacks, and the challenges of developing a curriculum on issues of racial diversity.

We will circulate a reading in advance of the workshop, so please respond to Victoria Jordan ( by Monday, Feburary 16, so that we can e-mail it to you.

Please bring your lunch to the event. We will provide tea, coffee, and cookies.

CSCRE Website