President Rochon Announces Faculty and Campus Meetings to Discuss Strategic Vision


Contributed by Office of the President

President Rochon announces two meetings, one for faculty and one for the entire campus community, to follow up on the strategic vision listening sessions held last fall.

Last fall, the IC community was invited to participate in a series of "listening sessions" to contribute thinking on two vital questions: What does our educational mission demand of us? and What are the most important steps we can take to better fulfill the aspirations of that mission? The ideas stated in these sessions are summarized in a series of documents posted at

Over the last eight weeks, the deans and vice presidents met a number of times to distill the insights of the listening sessions into a broad concept for curricular and cocurricular development. The concept was developed to build upon our existing mission and vision, to be inclusive of all faculty, departments, programs, divisions, and schools, and to be responsive to the significant educational challenges of the 21st century. This concept will be discussed by the Ithaca College Board of Trustees at its February 11-12 meeting.

In anticipation of Board of Trustees' approval of a broad concept approach to academic excellence at Ithaca College, President Rochon requests the attendance of all College faculty at an extraordinary meeting on Tuesday, February 17, from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. The meeting will be held in the Emerson Suites.

President Rochon also requests the attendance of all interested staff and students (along with faculty who cannot attend the February 17 meeting) at a special all-campus meeting on Thursday, February 19, 9:00 to 10:30 a.m. This meeting will also be held in Emerson Suites.

Because this concept for academic excellence is first and foremost an innovative approach to the College curriculum, we want as an initial step to discuss its scope solely with the faculty. The Thursday meeting for the entire campus will cover substantially the same ground. Approximately two-thirds of the meeting time in both cases will be devoted to Q&A and to feedback on the broad concept to be described.

These meetings will be the opening of a semester-long discussion in which this concept for educational excellence will be shaped through faculty discussion and action in a variety of formats and venues. Provost Rountree will supply further information at the February 17 and 19 meetings on the next steps in the process.