IC Hosts Girls and Women in Sports Day, Sunday, February 15


Contributed by Andrea McClatchie

The Office of Intercollegiate Athletics is pleased to announce the activities for this year's Girls and Women in Sports Day.

On Sunday, February 15, from noon to 2:00 p.m., Ithaca College will host the Girls and Women in Sports Day. This free event is open to girls grades 3 through 6. Stations will be run by the women's varsity student athletes and coaches. Registration begins at 11:45 a.m. at the Ben Light Gymnasium in the Hill Center.

Activities will include volleyball skills, track and field skills, lacrosse skills, team-building exercises, and a gymnastics obstacle course.

Participants are asked to wear comfortable clothes, socks, and sneakers. A participation waiver must be signed by a parent or legal guardian to partake in events.

Please contact Andrea McClatchie (274-3793 or amcclatchie@ithaca.edu) for more information.

