Make a Swish for Make-a-Wish


Contributed by Idan Bail

Join the IC chapter of the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) on April 5 at 10:00 a.m. in the Ben Light Gymnasium. Enjoy free food, prizes, T-shirts, music by DJ Simon Sez, and much more!

Sign up in teams of 5 to 10. There is a $60 required donation for all teams. Feel free to donate more if you please.

Come visit our tables in the Campus Center (by Grand Central Cafe) and the Fitness Center. Bring your friends and sign up!

You can also join our event on Facebook. Search for "Make A Swish for Make A Wish" and it should pop up.

Hope to see you all there!

If you have any questions or want more information please contact Idan Bail (