Come to Apple, Inc., Sessions (February 26) to Celebrate iTunes U Kickoff


Contributed by Beth Rugg

ITS and Apple are pleased to announce that iTunes U is officially up and running at Ithaca College. To celebrate this event, representatives from Apple Inc. will be offering free workshops throughout the day on Thursday February 26th. Faculty, staff and students are invited to attend!

Workshops will be held in the Ithaca Falls Meeting Room in the Campus Center:
9:25 - 10:40 - Introduction to iTunes U
10:50 - noon - Going Deeper with iLife and iWork
1:10 - 2:25 - Introduction to iTunes U
2:45 - 4:00 - Apple Tips and Tricks
4:00 - 5:00 - Informal Q&A with the Apple guys

Feel free to attend as many workshops as you want. Availability is on a first come first serve basis.

More details about the day are available in this recent Intercom article.

iTunes U provides an easy way to distribute audio and video files to both the Ithaca College community and, in the near future, to the world. ITS is excited about the possibilities iTunes U offers both academic and administrative departments. If you need an easy way to provide information in a portable environment, contact Marilyn Dispensa to find out how iTunes U can help.