Interdisciplinary Teaching Workshop: Friday, March 27


Contributed by Linda Heyne

A panel of IC faculty will present their interdisciplinary teaching practices, which represent a variety of collaborative teaching models. Discussion will include how interdisciplinary courses fit into an Integrative Curriculum.

The workshop takes place Friday, March 27, 3:00-5:00 p.m., in the Park Center for Business and Sustainable Enterprise, room 204.

Learn how faculty are collaborating to teach across disciplines! A panel of IC faculty will present their interdisciplinary teaching practices, which represent a variety of collaborative teaching models. Programs that are potential homes for interdisciplinary courses will also be discussed.

A question-and-answer period will follow, including discussion of how interdisciplinary courses fit into an integrative curriculum.

Panelists include Mara Alper, Catherine Gooch, Bruce Henderson, Paula Ioanide, Julia Lapp, Nick Quarrier, Jim Rothenberg, Tanya Saunders, Warren Schlesinger, and Gary Wells.

This workshop is sponsored by the Faculty Development Committee. For further information, please contact Nancy Jacobson at or Linda Heyne at