Rabbi Steve Greenberg to Speak at Ithaca College


Contributed by Sharon Loucks

Rabbi Steven Greenberg, author of Wrestling with Man and God: Homosexuality in the Jewish Tradition, will give a talk, entitled "Gayness and God," on Monday, March 23, at 7:00 p.m. in Clark Lounge, Egbert Hall. His talk is free and open to the public.

Rabbi Greenberg is the first openly gay Orthodox rabbi and has spoken widely on college campuses and at Jewish community centers and synagogues about what it means to be gay and a traditionally religious Orthodox Jew.

In his talk, Rabbi Greenberg will be speaking about life as a gay man in a religious tradition that has traditionally condemned homosexuality for both men and women. The assumption and reality is often that there is incompatibility or even hostility between traditionally religious people and gay or lesbian people. Rabbi Greenberg’s perspective provides a way to bridge this gap through examination and reinterpretation of traditional texts often used to exclude gay and lesbian people from particular religious communities.

Rabbi Greenberg will share his radical and pragmatic solutions to the conflict between traditional religion (Judaism in particular) and homosexuality. His dialogue with students will provide a way for them to learn about the variety of perspectives and will allow them the opportunity to question and discuss in an open atmosphere.

All are welcome to join him in an honest conversation about what it means to be gay, bisexual, lesbian, or transgender and religious.

Rabbi Greenberg's visit to Ithaca College is sponsored by the Jewish studies program and the Center for LGBT Education, Outreach, and Services, and is supported by the School of Humanities and Sciences Educational Grants Initiative, Hillel, and the Chapel's Interfaith Programs Fund.

For further information, please contact Rebecca Lesses, coordinator of the Jewish studies program, at 607-274-3556 or by e-mail at rlesses@ithaca.edu.

Jewish Studies Program
Center for LGBT Education, Outreach, and Services

