Attention: Future Off-Campus and Apartment Residents!


Contributed by Julie Whitten

Make life easier by signing up for a convenient and flexible meal plan!

Eating on campus will actually save you money! Did you know Bonus Bucks are tax-exempt? That means you'll save about eight percent on every food purchase you make on campus.

Bonus Bucks is a special offer only available for meal plan participants. When you sign up for a meal plan you receive a set amount of Bonus Bucks as one of the perks! You can always refuel them to continue to cash in on the savings. 

You'll also save gas and time by not having to drive home or to a restaurant for a meal and as we all know: gas and time are money! Make life easier for yourself and your wallet. Log onto HomerConnect today and sign up for your ticket to saving money.

Make your life easier and log onto HomerConnect today and sign up for your ticket to convenience.