Outlined below is the process for registering students to remain in the residence halls for senior week. The deadline for requests is 5:00 p.m., Monday, April 20, 2009. Please review these guidelines as you begin to plan your staffing for Commencement 2009.
All campus residents except graduating seniors and students with Monday finals* are required to vacate their rooms no later than 3:00 p.m. on May 9, 2009. Please request housing only for those students who must work for you during Commencement week on Commencement-related activities.
Students who are approved to stay on campus past May 9 who need to stay to finish course work or to begin summer assignments are required to seek off-campus accommodations after May 12.
To schedule a student to stay for senior week, please e-mail breakhousing@ithaca.edu with the following information:
The deadline for requests is 5:00 p.m., Monday, April 20, 2009. Late requests may not be considered. If you have several students needing to stay, it would be very helpful if you turned in the information on an excel spreadsheet as an attachment to your e-mail.
Only current campus residents can be housed on campus during Commencement week.
Students remaining on campus for Commencement week will not be required to be on a meal plan. Please be sure to share with your students that meal plans will only be automatically extended for students asked to stay by the Commencement Committee. (See the meal policy at www.ithaca.edu/reslife/upcoming_events.htm for further information.) If, however, your department is covering the students' meal plans, you will need to provide an account number with the students' names.
Please inform your students that if they live in Emerson Hall, they may be required to move to a different room in the building. Emerson Hall is used to house Ithaca College trustees and other special guests during Commencement week.
Students who are working commencement will be expected to check out no later than 24 hours after their last shift. All residence halls and apartments close at noon on Monday, May 18, and all residents remaining during Commencement week must vacate their rooms by that time.
A limited amount of on-campus housing is available for Ithaca College students working on campus full time during the summer. Arrangements for summer employee housing can be made through the Office of Conference and Events Services. Summer housing will be offered beginning May 17 at 4:00 p.m. More information about summer housing is available in the Conference and Events Services Office (274-3313).
For additional information or if you have any questions, please contact the Office of Residential Life in the East Tower at 274-3141.
*Residents with Monday finals must vacate their rooms by noon on Tuesday, May12.