If you read or listen to the news you undoubtedly know that these are challenging economic times across the country and, that fewer companies are recruiting on college campuses this year. In spite of the gloom and doom that is in the media Career Services wants the Ithaca College community to know that there ARE many excellent job, internship and summer opportunities available.
In fact, there are over 80 of them at the spring Job & Internship Fair on April 1, 2009 (Emerson Suites, 4:00 – 7:00 pm).
If you’re an IC student, this fair is your opportunity to meet these companies, to network with them and to share your skills, experience and qualifications. There will be interview opportunities as well. But only if you show up.
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Don't let bad news or fear of the economy serve as your jailor. Brush off your resume, put on your good clothes and come make something happen. It's time to get to work!