"i Am Diverse" Mini-Poster Campaign on Hold


Contributed by Annette Levine

Over the past few months, the Diversity Awareness Committee has rolled out a campaign meant to encourage dialogue and the expression of identities based on each individual’s definition of diversity.

The large poster campaign -- which highlighted faculty, staff, and students who participated, displayed identities such as race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, as well as regional origin and personal interests -- debuted in February. We encouraged the submission of self-made "mini-posters" to allow the campus the ability to display the identities which made them, in their definition, diverse.

We had close to 100 participants in the mini-poster campaign, but because some members of the campus community have raised concerns about the campaign, we have decided to put this portion of the campaign on hold. The campaign’s critics are particularly concerned that the campaign invalidates or lessens the importance of race and ethnicity as major components of diversity.

We hope you’ll help us all continue this discussion by posting your comments below. Some of the important issues we’d like to engage discussion on are:

Because we know that change and understanding can only be realized through open, honest, and respectful dialogue, we invite you to join in the discussion below, with your peers, and with faculty, staff, and students.

~The Diversity Awareness Committee

