The School of Humanities and Sciences is pleased to recognize five students who have received grants and awards this semester that recognize their academic achievement and provide support for their involvement in research projects in the humanities and social sciences.
Sara Holmes '11, an environmental studies major, is this year’s recipient of the C. P. Snow Scholar Award. This award recognizes students who demonstrate that they are working to bridge the gap between the sciences and humanities through their undergraduate studies and co-curricular activities.
The Fred L. Emerson Humanities Collaboration Award has been granted to Spanish major Heike Domine '11 and writing major Benjamin Swiatek '10. These awards support collaborative research projects in the humanities between faculty and students; they provide financial support to meritorious students so that they can devote time and attention to such scholarly projects. During the summer of 2009, Heike will be working with Annette Levine, assistant professor of modern languages and literatures, on the project "Clandestine and Public Memory in Buenos Aires"; Benjamin will be working with Barbara Adams, associate professor of writing, on the project "Virtual Shadowing: Bridging Writing Academics and Careers."
Fred L. Emerson Humanities Collaboration Award
Kiera Duckworth '11, a sociology major, and Courtney Walton '11, who is majoring in English, have received grants from the Janet Kalinowski Student Development Fund; this fund provides support to students who are engaged in the study of issues surrounding gender and social position. Both Kiera and Courtney will use these grants to support their involvement in research projects during summer 2009. Kiera's project, "Qualitative Analysis of Non-Heterosexual Athletes' Perceptions and Attitudes of College Sports," is being guided by Rebecca Plante, associate professor of sociology; Courtney's research, "Anti-Feminism in Stephenie Meyer's Twilight Series," is part of a collaboration with Rachel Wagner, assistant professor in philosophy and religion.
Janet Kalinowski Student Development Fund