What's a Mace? Get Your Tickets for Inauguration and Come Find Out!


Contributed by Paula Davis

What's an academic mace?

The academic mace, first used in the 14th century, is descended from the club of Hercules. The scepter on the mace stands for lawful power and regal authority, and was carried by Zeus, the Greek god of moral law and order.

At an inauguration, the board of trustees formally vests the new president with three symbols of office and its authority -- with the mace being one of these symbols. Come to Thomas R. Rochon’s inauguration and see what IC’s own presidential mace looks like when it is carried in by the College marshal and later presented to President Rochon! (Note: IC's academic mace was handcrafted by IC's own artisans.)

There's still time to get your free tickets for Thomas R. Rochon's inaugural ceremony on Friday, April 17, at 3:00 p.m. in the Ben Light Gymnasium. Tickets can be picked up Monday-Friday, noon to 6:00 p.m., at the recreation center on the ground floor of Campus Center.

The offices of vice presidents and deans also have tickets to give out. (Faculty who are marching in the inaugural procession do not need tickets.)

Supervisors are encouraged to make arrangements to allow as many staff members as possible to attend the inauguration and reception. The campus reception will immediately follow the ceremony and will be held at IC Square in the Campus Center (4:30-5:30 p.m.).

For more information, check the inauguration website or inquire at inauguration@ithaca.edu.



