The 2009 SGA spring elections have finally come to an end! The results are ...
SGA Executive Board: Fundamentalist Party
2010 Senior Class Cabinet: Class Roots
Senior Class Senators: Bryan Davis and Moira Colley; since only Brian and Moira ran, the other two senators have yet to be determined
Junior Senators: Kevin Fish, Susannah Faulkner, Ruthanne Goff, and Vanessa Gabriele
Sophomore Senators: Aaron Edwards, Carter Raines, Ranu Nath, and Jimmy Knowles
HSHP Senator: Christie O'Shea
Park School Senator: Sherry Shen
Business School Senator, H&S Senator, and DIIS Senator have yet to be determined due to lack of candidates.
Thank you to all of those that participated! Congratulations to everyone!
-- The SGA