Assisting Students at Risk: Are You Worried about a Student?


Contributed by Deborah Harper

One goal of the "Assisting Students at Risk" initiative is to strengthen campus-wide responsiveness to mental health and safety needs. 

In addition to providing a central place for reporting concerns about the well-being of a student or the safety of the campus community, the Assisting Students at Risk initiative provides information to the campus community about risk issues and resources.

Responding to Students in Distress: A Guide for Faculty and Staff at Ithaca College
is available at:   

Provided by the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs and Campus Life and the Counseling Center, this resource guide covers the following topics:

Portions or the entire document can be downloaded and printed for reference, if you’d like. See the "Documents" section for details.

If you would like to speak to someone about your concerns, please call the Counseling Center at 607-274-3136. In a life-threatening emergency, call the Office of Public Safety, 607-274-3333.