ITS Computer Lab End-of-Semester and Summer Hours


Contributed by Lisa Efing-Guida

The main ITS public labs follow the regular academic schedule with a few additional hours at the end of the semester as listed below.

During the summer all labs are closed, except Friends 110, which follows a special schedule.

End-of-Semester Schedules

Friends 110 Lab
Open 24 hours a day with a consultant available during the times listed.
This lab closes for the semester at 8pm on Monday, 05/11 and will open on Tuesday, 05/12 with special summer hours.

Williams 210 Lab
This lab closes for the semester at 5pm on Monday, 05/11 and will reopen Wednesday, 08/26/09.

Additional hours on *Saturdays!
This lab closes for the semester at 5pm on Monday, 05/11 and will reopen Wednesday, 08/26/09.

All times and dates listed are subject to change without notice.