Free Carton of Ice Cream If You Donate Blood


Contributed by Cynthia Smith

Donate blood and receive a free carton of Friendly's ice cream! Please sign up to donate blood on July 21 in the Fitness Center from 8:45 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Please call 1-800-GIVELIFE to schedule an appointment.

The regional blood supply is running extremely low and this deficit is critical in our ability to meet the blood supply needs of area hospitals.

Eligibility Guidelines

You are eligible to donate if you meet the following criteria:

We will also be taking one "double red" donation every hour. To be eligible to give a double-red donation, you must meet the following criteria:

On behalf of hospital patients in the Southern Tier, thank you in advance for your gift of life and generosity.

Tips for a Successful Donation

To improve your donation experience be sure to: