Faculty Events from the Center for Faculty Excellence


Contributed by Susanne Morgan

We will welcome everyone at the Fall Faculty Workshop on Saturday, August 29, and new faculty and part-time faculty particularly on August 19 and 18. The Mentoring Program and the Tenure Seminar will be launched, and our regular Ithaca Faculty Commons conversations welcome your involvement.

The fall workshop is "Getting from Me to Them to Us," on Saturday, August 29, from 9:00 a.m. through lunch. This interactive workshop is designed around the classic Teaching Goals Inventory and the valuable book, Classroom Assessment Techniques. Diversity among us and our students is the underlying theme as we examine our teaching goals and design and assess activities to help students meet them. Participants will complete the TGI online in advance and will receive a copy of Classroom Assessment Techniques. Please register by August 21 using this online form. More information, including the full program, is at the Center for Faculty Excellence.

If you know new, full-time faculty members, encourage them to attend the all-day orientation program on Wednesday, August 19, 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. in the Clark Lounge. Part-time faculty of any length of service are welcome to an interactive session on Tuesday, August 20, from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. in the Clark Lounge. Peggy Termina is the contact person on these events: contact her here.

Both the Mentoring Program and the Tenure Seminar are well-established opportunities for faculty members to engage with others across the campus in conversation and information-sharing that is helpful to all involved. This year we need some tenured faculty to facilitate a mentoring group: contact Susanne Morgan to discuss it.

You will be hearing more about the Ithaca Faculty Commons as this new model is implemented during the year. The reports are at the Center for Faculty Excellence site on the FD@IC page. The most immediate opportunity for you to be involved is in a face-to-face conversation with a group of faculty on a topic of your choice, that will be available as a podcast through iTunesU. Do you have a question to discuss or a resource to share? Contact Susanne Morgan and we will schedule it!

