On-Campus Internship Opportunity with Project Look Sharp


Contributed by Sherrie Szeto

Project Look Sharp is IC's media literacy initiative under the Division of Interdisciplinary and International Studies. Please see the list below for internships available for the fall of 2009.

Fall 2009 Internships:

Elementary Health Curriculum Kit
Research media (commercials) for the development of elementary lessons on nutrition, body image, bullying, and safety. Help develop, edit, and format lessons. This internship will help deepen your media literacy skills through applying document-based questioning techniques and will broaden our understanding of media construction of health and nutrition.

Media Construction of Social Justice Curriculum Kit
Research media for the development of this new curriculum kit. This includes researching background information and obtaining media documents from the 1830s to present. This internship will help deepen your media literacy skills through applying document-based questioning techniques and will broaden your understanding of historic justice movements in the United States.

Review, develop, and implement aspects of our marketing plan, including: designing e-blasts and other online promotions, adding to existing database, researching referral sites, proposing and implementing additional promotional activities. Learn and use website analysis tools (like Urchin and Google Analytics) and present to team.

To download an application, go to our website and select "About PLS," and then select "Partners and Internships." Please forward your application to Sherrie Szeto at sszeto@ithaca.edu.

You may also stop by 104 Williams Hall to pick up and drop off your application.

For additional questions call 274-3471.

Project Look Sharp Website

