Academic Support Services: Top Ten FAQs


Contributed by Linda Uhll

There are many services available on campus to support students with disabilities and faculty members. The following is a list of frequently asked questions.

We hope this information is helpful in providing the best possible service to students.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How are accommodations determined?
Accommodations are based on documentation, case law, consultation with the student, and best practice.

2. Is documentation required?
Yes. Ithaca College follows the documentation guidelines established by the Educational Testing Service and the Association on Higher Education and Disability (AHEAD).

3. Is testing for learning disabilities provided on campus?
No, testing must be done by a licensed, qualified, independent practitioner. Depending on the disability, this may be a physician, psychologist, or learning disability specialist.

4. Are services ever denied?
Yes, if students fail to establish that they have a disability that impacts one or more major life activities or fail to provide adequate documentation.

5. Sometimes we aren't notified until mid-semester or later. Why is that?

There are many reasons students may elect not to identify early in the semester, such as recent diagnosis, onset of illness, fear of social stigma, and so on. As soon as Academic Support Services has the necessary documentation, we notify the faculty member. In short: when we know, you know!

6. If I do receive a late notification, do I have to accommodate the student retroactively?
No, accommodations begin when you receive the academic adjustment plan from Academic Support Services.

7. Who is responsible for providing testing accommodations?

This is a shared responsibility. Whenever possible, faculty should attempt to provide the accommodation. This allows students to ask questions and preserves the integrity of the exam. If you are not able to provide the accommodation, we are here to help.

8. Can faculty provide accommodation without an academic adjustment plan from Academic Support Services?

We don't recommend it. In the absence of documentation, there is no way for a faculty member to know if the request for accommodation is legitimate.

9. Who is the ADA compliance officer and is there a grievance procedure in place?
The director of affirmative action is the ADA compliance officer. If a faculty member has a concern about an accommodation, contact our office first to discuss your concerns. If you do not get resolution, contact the Office of Equal Opportunity Compliance for information about official grievance procedures.

10. Where can I go to get more information about the Office of Academic Support Services for Students with Disabilities?
Visit our website at Also, the Post-Secondary Disability Consortium of Central New York has established a website at